How should you take care of digital marketing needs for your business while working remotely?

By Myra Williams
How should you take care of digital marketing needs for your business while working remotely?

Working from home is not a new concept in the world. For a few jobs, this was true, way long before the pandemic hit our planet. Many people have jobs where they can manage from home and have been doing it for decades now. However, the pandemic has taught everyone to work from home no matter their position! It led us to manage everything online from the comfort of our home's couch. One of the jobs is taking care of the business's digital needs. Whether it is taking care of the SEO of the website or the content marketing part, it’s all managed from home. How? Well, this article is the answer. 

Six Pillars of Digital Marketing

There are six pillars of digital marketing strategy that one must understand before learning about taking care of a business's digital needs. Here are the six pillars:

Pillars of digital marketing

1.     Strategy

One needs to strategize on carrying out digital needs for the business. Everything should be planned well in advance, from designing the content to posting it to increase the reach to SEO needs, the website to app, and much more.

2.     Goals

The goals of the business should be clear – temporary goals as well as permanent goals. For example, the interim goal might be to reach 100K followers on Instagram, but the permanent goal is to generate leads from them and make sales.

3.     Social Media

Social media is an important platform to be present on. Without social media, you cannot compete in the battle of marketing and promoting the business. Hence, a solid social media presence is a must for every business.

4.     Experience

What consists of experiences when it comes to taking care of the business's digital needs? Customer services! Website and apps – how responsive and holistic they are! Google presence – how strong it is and the quality of the content!

5.     Content

Content could be of three types – writer, audio and visual. The business must be assertive with all three of them. The written content in the form of blogs and articles, audio in the podcast format, and visuals in the form of videos; should be updated regularly.  

6.     Message

Email, Chat, Social media, customer service, on-site interactions, and personalization - The business must be determined based on how powerful these are!

B2B Marketing and B2C Marketing

Companies need to focus on their B2B consumers to make the best of digital use. A few of the largest companies globally, like Facebook and Google, are consumer brands, but they also make sure to serve B2B clients. This trend took a hike in the pandemic when small businesses required help from people. At that time, Facebook and Google came to their aid, and they could survive the era of the pandemic. Hence, the B2B market is significant, and their needs are equally essential to B2C customers. While serving B2B markets, you are widening your horizons. However, the requirements of B2B are pretty different from B2C needs. Thus, one should do a thorough study to rule the b2B market. It's not hard to cover that area.

Jobs in Digital Marketing

What are the business's digital needs, and who takes care of each responsibility?

1.     Website Designer and Developer

The website designer and website developer go hand in hand. Their job is to strengthen a business's online presence by creating a website that everyone can navigate smoothly and understand what that business is trying to sell. When it comes to an Ecommerce website, it should be easy to understand and use for even a ten-year-old kid and a 70-years old adult.

2.     Mobile App Developer

The job of a mobile app developer is to make a mobile-friendly version of an online presence that can be downloaded and used easily. One of the best examples is Amazon. People have its app downloaded to their phones and order anything anytime and from anywhere. Thus, creating the correct type of app for the business is necessary.

jobs in digital marketing

3.     Content Writer

Content writer has to create content that can resonate with people who will consume it. Also, one size fits all might not be accurate in the case of content writing. Hence, it is necessary to check whether the content is divided equally between b2B and b2C consumers.

4.     SEO Specialist

The job of an SEO specialist is to see if the website is ranking higher in all search engine platforms organically or not! If not, he has to make sure to do everything he can to rank it higher with the help of every form of content – written, audio and visual.

5.     Social Media Manager

Social Media Manager is responsible for the digital need of having a solid presence across all social media platforms. The job of an SMM is high in demand because an average person spends around 11 hours a day scrolling various social media apps.

Six Ways to Manage Digital Marketing Needs for the Business While Working Remotely

There are numerous ways to manage the company's digital marketing needs while working remotely if one wishes to do so. However, here are the six ways to address the digital marketing needs of the business from home:

1.     Content Relevance

Working from home might hamper communication and create creative differences with the content. Hence, the help of effective communication technology like Slack or Zoom should be taken. Also, trends are kept on updated when it comes to content; accordingly, it should be managed by a person taking into consideration market needs. The B2C market was famous even before the pandemic but expanding the B2B market had become a necessity. Big businesses helped small businesses survive in the pandemic, and the classic example of that is Amazon. It helped survive small and local businesses with deliveries and manufacturing as well.

2.     Focus More on Social Media

With the help of social media, many small and local businesses would prosper during the pandemic. Social media algorithms were easy enough to be managed from home. Plus, many new trends were taking place for a social media manager to have enough content to promote the business. Hence, while working remotely, one can focus on promoting the industry across all the platforms because an average man spends 11 hours a day on social media. Keep the business updated on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest, Tumblr, Twitter, etc.

3.     PPC

As the name suggests, Pay-Per-Click is a paid marketing activity for promoting the business on search engines. It is for a shorter time, which means your business will stop popping up on Google once you stop paying. Hence, strategic planning is required for the PPC campaign. The only thing that differentiates between SEO and PPC is that you pay for the result. Plenty of companies spend thousands of dollars on PPC campaigns. And it doesn’t require a person to work from the office. If the person working on your PPC campaign has the correct qualifications and skills, it will be a massive success.

4.     SEO

SEO encompasses many elements, such as words on a web page, to the way other sites link to the business website on the web to how the website is structured. The goal of SEO is to rank higher on Google, but here you do not pay for the result and try to reach it organically. Here are a few of the most important things for SEO strategists and marketers to keep in mind for strategizing today's SEO practices:

important things for SEO strategist

5.     Video Marketing

We are not unfamiliar with video marketing benefits. If video marketing is done correctly on the landing page, it can increase the conversion rate by 80%. It is not the cheapest option but can pay off big time. However, online video editing tools are constantly improving and becoming more affordable. So one can make the video with their smartphone as well. People are not bothered by the poor video quality as much as by the lower-quality content. One of the most prominent video qualities is that it builds trust in the brand. People rely on brands that have videos of their products and services.

6.     Email Marketing

Email marketing is a unique and great way to build a cement-clad relationship with your customers. Believe it or not, even though people have shifted from emails to social media; still, a large number of people subscribe to emails. Regular updates of the brand products and services, and offers will give any business an excellent opportunity to create a unique voice, style, and image for the subscribers. Delivering regular emails will not only build the trust factor, but it will add value to what you are currently doing.


To prove the success of digital transformation efforts, leaders need to understand and quantify the return on investment, which is easier said than done with projects with cross-functional and business boundaries. Only you can change how a company goes to market and often fundamentally reshape interactions with customers and employees. For example, if you decide to revamp a mobile application, it may have a short-term payoff, but other projects chase longer-term business value. Digital marketing transformation is evolving, rendering traditional business value calculations and financial governance approaches less effective.

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